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Disaster Recovery as a Service

Unified Disaster Recovery, Backup & Cloud Mobility

Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) uses C5's Island Cloud networking and storage to act as the target site for replication and recovery of a company’s critical data and applications.

Moving disaster recovery to C5’s Island Cloud can bring cost and resource savings, plus it ensures higher performance and the reliability offered by C5 Island Cloud capabilities.

One of the major drivers for customer adoption of Disaster Recovery as-a-Service (DRaaS) is speed to cloud. As a DRaaS provider, C5’s Island Cloud can be the critical first step to lead enterprises to the cloud. It empowers you to ‘test the water’ without giving up control over production applications in your data centres.

  • Zerto Logo - Disaster recovery software
    Zerto Partnership & Technology

    The Zerto platform, based on a foundation of continuous data protection (CDP) brings together disaster recovery and data protection into a single and simple cloud data management and protection solution across on-premises, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments. Save resources and costs by replacing point solutions with Zerto’s software-only platform.

  • Security Services Icon
    Quickly recover from Ransomware attacks

    Zerto’s fully automated failover and failback recovers encrypted files and data within minutes of when an infection occurs. Simply select a checkpoint in your journal from before the ransomware attack and rollback to the uninfected state in no time.

  • 24x7 Icon
    Availability & Visibility

    The Zerto Platform delivers continuous availability, enabling your organisation to keep applications running 24/7 no matter what disruption or threat may occur. Eliminate periodic backups and snapshots, bringing always-on replication to perform disaster recovery and data protection.

  • Cloud Backup Icon
    Reduce disruption

    Control an up-to-the-minute data recovery situation by maintaining a clone of your virtual machine, wherever it is hosted, on Island Cloud, in either Jersey or Guernsey with the backup in the other location.

  • Business Process Icon
    Digitally transforming Business Continuity

    Disaster recovery Regulations are changing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The previous need to maintain a disaster recovery suite no longer applies, and for some companies using DRaaS is the logical first-step on the road to a complete digital transformation.

  • Cloud Infrastructure Icon
    Moving to the Cloud

    C5’s Island Cloud DRaaS capability provides the start to your journey to the cloud. Ensure you maintain disaster recovery and data protection while using true infrastructure flexibility.

From migration to the cloud and the management of your cloud infrastructure, platforms and software, through to providing analytical reports as part of our data services, Click here to find out how we can help with all aspects of your journey to the cloud.

For more information, get in touch today:

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