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C5 Launches New Remote Working Security Health Check Services

June 2, 2020
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It has been around 8 weeks since businesses sent their non-essential staff home to work. Organisations have faced several challenges during this time and while we maybe over the initial struggles of connecting and collaborating, now is the time to switch from people lockdown to locking down our connections and protecting our data.

Working from home is set to stay even after the COVID-19 pandemic ends, with many businesses and employees continuing to elect for home working or a mix of office and home. This new way of thinking and working can expose businesses to additional security and compliance risks and it is critically important that organisations review their position to ensure they have robust security protocols in place on how employees are connecting to the company network, the data they are accessing, and the controls around this.

To ensure that you have a resilient security posture in place, we have put together 6 Work from Home (WFH) security health check services to ensure that you have considered and tested key security and compliance risks, no matter where your employees are working from.

Security Health Check Services:

Our security health check services help you mitigate against cyber risk and financial penalty whilst complying with industry regulations and protecting reputation.

Contact us or download our health check services factsheet to find out how we can help you strengthen your security posture.