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Database Administration as a Service

Outsource your SQL Server
database administration

The availability and performance of your business-critical data is essential. Spend less time managing your data and more time building a data driven business.

Our database administration as a service solution enables you to outsource your SQL Server admin, freeing up your IT team’s time to focus on driving your business forward.

  • Expert Capability for database administration as a service Icon
    Expert on-island capabilities

    With a dedicated and certified database administration as a service team, our solution ensures that your databases are proactively maintained and improved, providing optimal performance of your database to meet your business needs. Our team have in-depth expertise in Microsoft SQL Server with 2 Microsoft gold competencies in data analytics and data platforms and have vast experience in managing and tuning large, business-critical standard databases.

  • Cost Effective Icon
    Cost Effective

    Our database administration as a service offers a cost-effective alternative to insourcing your database management. Through outsourcing this business-as-usual task you pay for only what you need, reducing your database management costs including ongoing salary and training costs.

  • Scalable and Adaptable Icon

    Databases grow over time as they ingest and generate more data. Our database administration as a service solution grows with your organisation and is easily scalable by adding and reducing instances as and when you need them. This allows you to quickly scale your databases up or down depending on your business requirements without the need to adjust your internal team.

  • 24x7 Icon
    24x7x365 Support

    Our fully managed IT service ensures that the day to day operations of your database administration have ongoing monitoring and support. This provides assurance and continuity for your organisation, reducing risk.

From migration to the cloud and the management of your cloud infrastructure, platforms and software, through to providing analytical reports as part of our data services, Click here to find out how we can help with all aspects of your data needs.

For more information, get in touch:

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